Hey bitch, this aint California where everything is groovy. This is White House, Tennessee where there are 2 different water fountains, separate lunch lines and guys named Lebron are still counted as 1/3 vote. I could say get with the times but the truth is that the south is still like socially 30 years behind the rest of the country. I'm not hating on the kid because he caught the gay at a young age but because he wore a dumb fucking shirt. You heart Lady Gay Gay? What the fuck does that even mean, bro? Lady GaGa is already a gay enough name. You don't need to turn it up to 12 on the homo scale with a shirt like that. No, he shouldn't have gotten sent home but he definitely should have got the shit kicked out of him. Again, not because he's a gay but because he has the judgment of a retard. Every school has a kid like this and I can't stand them. They go out of their way to be different and loud to the point that they become a distraction. True story coming up. We'll call this young man Stevey Bags. Well one day in gym class during an intense game of matt ball, this dick head was on 2nd with the score tied and I was the last batter. I hit a shot, I mean a fucking shot right off Keepin's knee cap and this was when our boy Stevey Bags was supposed to make the mad dash to home and scoring the winning. What was he doing? He wandered off the base to gossip with a bunch of chicks and got tagged out and these were the last words I ever spoke to him in high school. "dude, you play matt ball like a fucking faggot."
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