Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We're Getting Swept. My Desire For Blogging Is At An All Time Low.

Watched the game last night and I noticed two glaring problems facing us. We're old and they're athletic as fuck. That's it. We can't fix that over night. It's not about talent, it's not about teamwork, its not about who's the tougher team in the paint, it's not about defense. It comes down to Lebron James being the best player on the planet right now and Dwayne Wade's level of play is absolutely ferocious. Pierce is tired. Ray is tired. KG is tired. Rajon Rondo is playing 1 on 5 out there. Jeff Green is a shmuck. Jermaine O'Neal blows. It's raining. I didn't fall asleep until 2 AM so I'm cranky and pissed off. I guess what I'm really saying is all I want is someone to hold me and tell me that everything will be all right.

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