Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Day, Another Dude Has The Gay

Rick Welts
Phoenix Suns president and CEO Rick Welts, in an effort to breach what he sees as the tiptoed-around topic of homosexuality in men's team sports, recently met with friends, associates and a newspaper reporter to reveal he is gay. Welts, believed to be the first man in a prominent position in men's sports who has declared his homosexuality, says he wants to now mentor other gay people who seek to pursue a career in sports, according to The New York Times. "This is one of the last industries where the subject is off limits," Welts told the newspaper. "Nobody's comfortable in engaging in a conversation." According to the report, Welts talked separately to NBA commissioner David Stern, Suns guard Steve Nash, Hall of Famer Bill Russell and founding WNBA president Val Ackerman to discuss the message he wished to convey in making his sexual orientation public. The 58-year-old Welts, who began his career as a ball boy for the Seattle SuperSonics, spent several years with Stern in the league office. He was the architect of the All-Star Weekend and helped raise the NBA's profile before leaving for the Suns' front office.

Wait. He spoke with Steve Nash and Bill Russell about coming out to the public? Why? Wouldn't Johnny Weir or Andy Cohen be a better confidant? Last I checked Steve Nash and Bill Russell didn't swing that way. I'm just waiting for the day when this isn't a story anymore. Fucking dudes doesn't seem like it should get top billing on the ESPN bottom line. It's not like he's the first retard to be president and CEO of a basketball team. That would be something to report on. Actually I'm not entirely sure Danny Ainge hasn't already taken that title.

What? I can't make fun of gays and retards in the same post? I had at least 3 opportunities to tie in an HIV line but didn't feel like pulling the trigger on it so don't say I have no morals. 

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