Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Kardashians Are The Coolest

It's fair to say the Kardashian's are a bunch of losers, right? I don't give a fuck how much money you have or what your net worth is. Making a music video to Katy Perry with your family in bathing suits is creepy. And weird. You wanna know how to scare a prospective boyfriend off real quick? "Hey, wanna see the music video my family made on vacation? Try to ignore my little brother ogling and grinding on my honkers. And I know you want probably want to bang my little sister but she's like 15." They're just a lame family. What I mean is they're the type of people who will talk about how awesome prom was when they were in high school when anybody with a brain will tell you prom is for the birds. That's exactly why I didn't go to mine. I didn't wanna look back on my life and ask what the fuck was I thinking rocking that monkey suit of a tux? That's what growing up is. I used to think that prom camping weekend was the best weekend ever but then I went to college and grew a dick and realized that's a Tuesday at school and guess what? You don't even have to sleep in a tent or listen to the chubby chick who sits behind you in stat and trig get pounded by tractor traylor.

P.S. How sideways has Lamar Odom gone since his days at URI? Scott Disick might be more normal than him at this point.

P.S.S. I want Kourteny Kardashian so bad I can taste it.

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