Monday, May 30, 2011

Did Bartolo Colon Seriously Just Pitch Another Shutout? How Is Nobody Yelling About Steroids?

"In a short span, people are all going to wonder what the big deal about steroids was all about," Fehr told me then. "Wait until you start hearing about the stuff that's coming: gene therapy and genetic engineering. This is just the start." Six years later, Bartolo Colon -- who turned 38 years old Tuesday, who missed the entire 2010 season with elbow problems, who hadn't appeared in more than 19 games since 2005 and looked like another of yesterday's men at the end of his baseball journey -- is enjoying a revival that is, in these suspicious times, newsworthy. Colon signed a one-year, $900,000 contract with the Yankees as a non-roster player, a nothing deal, yet is in the starting rotation, throwing harder than ever, setting off alarms suggesting performance enhancement no different from a slugger having his best seasons as he approaches his sunset years. The secret behind Colon's rediscovered success, he says, is not better diet (easily confirmed by anyone who has seen him in uniform this season) or Pilates, rededication to the game, flaxseed oil or all the other old canards that masked a dishonest era. To treat an ailing elbow and rotator cuff, he was injected with stem cells. This procedure is so nascent that many doctors are viewing it through a lens of science fiction.
Because Colon underwent the surgery in the Dominican Republic, where steroids and growth hormone are legal, and because the doctors have used HGH in past such procedures (although they say they did not for Colon), Major League Baseball is investigating. Meanwhile, one of the doctors who performed the surgery, Leonel Liriano, says he has been contacted by at least 10 pitchers who want him to do for them what he apparently did for Colon. 

Where's George W. Bush when you need him? This stem cell bullshit wouldn't fly with him in office. But on a serious note, how fucking awesome is stem cell research? I'm all about that shit except when we're helping 38 year old pitchers regain their youth with the New York Skanks.

P.S. Liriano says he's been contacted by 10 pitchers who want him to do for them exactly what he did for colon? Really? Yeah we all contacted the same guy when we saw dougie having the time of his life at a party. This shit stinks of illegal substances.

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