Wednesday, May 11, 2011

That's Me For The Next 3 Months.

What's the emotion I'm trying to convey? Not really sure, just like I'm really sure how I feel about this season. One day we looked unstoppable and the next we looked like we're about 3 minutes from collapsing in a nursing home while we shit ourselves. I think I'm stuck somewhere between angry drunk and sad drunk. I want to curl up in a blanket and cry with my picture frame of the team but I also want to smash it over your head into 30 pieces then go burn down something beautiful. Why smash the frame on your head, you ask? Again, I don't know. I'm drunk, angry and irrational at that point. I once punched two dudes who were twice the size of me just because I could. A man will do crazy things when he's heartbroken and hopeless.

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