Friday, May 6, 2011

I Think I Love Dirk?

Let me start off by stating the obvious. I'm jumping on the Mavs bandwagon hard when it comes to the Western Conference. I like my chances against them in the Finals when the Celts storm back against the Heat and take back the night. Seeing the Lakers go down 2-0 is almost as much fun as watching a girl's life and reputation go to shit after she tells you she just wants to be friends and starts getting butt fucked by a 22 year old loser who mooches off his friends. He's what we call a "downer." Brings everybody down around him. Did I mention he once went to Haiti? I'm not bitter, I swear. I wish them the best of luck. In hell. Plus I've had sex with 13 Japanese refugees since then(they needed a place to stay. their home was underwater). Anyway, I think I'm starting to love Dirk and that's crazy because he use to represent everything I hated in basketball players which means he's European and tall. That's it. I know, I hate people easily. But through the 2 games, Dirk has absolutely abused Pau Gasol and anyone who beats up on that Spanish faggot(yes i said it, get angry gay boys. call GLAAD) is a friend of mine. All you have to do is watch to see Dirk goes against the stereotypical Euro-trash. Sure he's content to pick and pop at the foul line for 2 quarters but then he'll throw in a spin move and rock the rim with the best of them. Dude can straight up ball. I'm beginning to think he's one of the most underrated players of our generation? Charles Barkley 2.0? What the fuck do you know? You probably read this to get all riled up and remind yourself why you hate me.  Well, you're just a bitch with small tits and fake morals. I apologize for that last sentence. That was actually directed at nobody in particular. I'm sure you have very nice boobs.

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