Friday, May 13, 2011

I Know I'm 3 Days Late On This. Blame Blogger

Students at Shelton High School attempted a brief sit-in to support a classmate who was banned from the prom after posting an invitation to his prospective date on the school building. About 90 students held the sit-in Friday morning at the school, where administrators have barred James Tate from his June 4 senior prom after he posted a message written in cardboard on the side of the school in the predawn hours of May 6 that said: Sonali Rodrigues, Will you go to the prom with me? HMU -Tate." HMU means hit me up, or call me.Most students returned to class when ordered, though a handful who refused were sent home for the day. Some said they planned to rally later Friday to support Tate.In a brief news conference on Thursday afternoon, School Headmaster Beth A. Smith said that the school stands behind its policy, and that Tate will be not allowed to go to the high school prom. Smith said Tate's punishment was the result of a well-publicized school policy that outlined consequences for anyone who got into trouble at school after April 1, which included banishment from prom.

Let's be honest for a second. This kid wasn't getting a prom date unless he did something drastic. When you look like that you have to hang your balls out there and go for broke on every possession because you might not get the chance ever again. What I'm saying is something tells me his friends don't refer to his bedroom as the pussy palace. I don't know the kid and I don't want to. I heard him talking on the Today Show the other day and all it sounded to me was like "blah, blah, I'm vanilla." Seriously bro? You have to chance to stick it to every tight ass school administrator and you come out swinging for contact? And now that the headmaster(whatever the fuck that is) ahas come out and confirmed her decision, you look like a pussy for going down that way. Heads would roll if this happened to me. I wouldn't be participating in some peaceful protest bullshit. I'd burn that motherfucking school to the ground and I'd make sure every student helped me light the match. I'd recruit a gang of 12 goons and made sure they all pissed in the punch bowl at prom. That's how you revolt. We can't all be Gandhi and Mandela. Sometimes we need to be a little John Brown and Bleeding Kansas.

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