Monday, May 30, 2011

This a Big Fucking Deal. Mandatory Blog Post

Embattled coach Jim Tressel, two months after publicly apologizing for fallout that resulted in suspensions for him and several of his players, has resigned from Ohio State. "After meeting with university officials, we agreed that it is in the best interest of Ohio State that I resign as head football coach," Tressel said in a statement Monday morning. "The appreciation that Ellen and I have for the Buckeye Nation is immeasurable." Assistant coach Luke Fickell, who had been named to fill in for Tressel during the first five games of the 2011 season in which he was to be suspended, will take over as the interim head coach, Ohio State said in the news release.

I think the only thing I'm left wondering about is if this is the death for the sweater vest.  It's gotta be, right? I can't remember the last time I saw a dude have so much dedication to his sweater vests. It's exactly how I feel about my Minnesota gopher basketball shorts. I refuse to sleep in other pair. Bnt this story represents everything I hate about college football and basketball. It's like the steroid era in baseball. Everybody cheats, only some get caught. the NCAA is corrupt as fuck. Always has been, always will be. A bunch of wanna be jocks sit in a corporate office, raking in millions and millions off student athletes but it's not cool for that 18 year old kid to accept a gift or get a little money on the side for his efforts? That's pretty much what slave labor is. Actually that's exactly what slave labor is. The parallels are scary.

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