Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Need a Bruins Win Tonight For Like 8 Different Reasons.

This is about as must win as you're gonna get in playoff hockey and I feel like nobody could give a shit about it? Do people still not give a fuck about puck? I understand not paying attention during the regular season but this is playoff time. This is when the big boys skate. This is when it matters. We can't go down 0-2, especially on home ice because there's no coming back from that. It'd be like that time on Real Housewives of OC when Simon publicly ridiculed Tamra at the dinner party. You can talk it up after and apologize all you want but the fact of the matter is you've already shown your true colors. Love is gone at that point and any fight left in you is out the door. Next thing you know you're getting divorced and you find yourself in a relationship with a younger Hispanic dude named Eddie. This post got weird and it got weird quick.

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