Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hayden Panettiere is dating New York Jets [team stats] QB Mark Sanchez. No wonder she recently broke up with Ukranian boxer Wladimir Klitschko! reports Hayden dumped the Eastern Bloc hottie to see if the “chemistry between her and Sanchez was legit.” Word is they’re trying to keep the relationship quiet to avoid a media storm. Fail....

No bullshit here. I was about to blog about the Sox scoring 28 runs in the last 24 hours but fuck that now. I don't even care.  What's my average score on the thirst for living scale at this point? About a 2. It would be a 0 but even I know have loads of talent to offer this world. Have you seen my eyes? Watch the fuck out when I rock a blue shirt. Good look drowning in my pupils.

On a side note, I'm still defending 808's and Heartbreak as a classic album. Kanye could put out 12 songs of just a drum beat with him breathing and I'd fall in love with it.

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