Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Just Puked.

Scottie Pippen, Michael Jordan's longtime teammate, raised eyebrows Friday morning when he said Heat superstar LeBron James "may be the greatest player to ever play the game."

The Hall of Famer's comments on ESPN Radio's "Mike and Mike in the Morning" drew a fierce response on Twitter, as many fans were incredulous at the perceived slight toward Jordan.
Pippen clarified Friday afternoon, tweeting that he does not believe James has eclipsed Jordan -- yet. "Don't get me wrong, MJ was and is the greatest. But LeBron could by all means get to his level someday," said Pippen, who was courtside for the Heat's five-game Eastern Conference finals triumph as a Bulls TV analyst. In his original comments, the 45-year-old, who won six NBA titles alongside Jordan, called his former teammate the best scorer to ever play the game. "Michael Jordan is probably the greatest scorer to play the game, but I may go as far as to say LeBron James may be the greatest player to ever play the game because he is so potent offensively that not only can he score at will but he keeps everybody involved." He added, "No guy on the basketball court is not a threat to score with LeBron James out there. Not only will LeBron dominate from the offensive end as well, but he's also doing it on the defensive end, which really makes him the complete package. He's able to get in those passing lanes, shoot those gaps and create transition opportunities where he is pretty much unstoppable."

This hurts my heart in so many ways. I've always been a huge Scottie Pippen guy. I'd defend him till the day I died. People would try to draw comparisons with him to D-Wade and I'd shut them down immediately. Pippen way by far the most underrated player to pick up a basketball and there's one simple reason why his stock never soared as high as it could. The dude he was playing next to his entire career. Michael Jeffrey Jordan.  Nobody and I mean nobody will ever do what he did on the court. I don't care if Lebron wants to bump 50 a game. He's not Michael. Totally different players with totally different character playing in a totally different game. You can't put a hand on Lebron without getting a foul but MJ was getting his shit rammed every time he took it to the hole. It's fucking criminal. And how does Jordan not kick the shit out of Scottie in this situation? It would be like if Scotty Bouch came out and tweeted one day that those clowns over at BJD were better than me. Huh? Don't get it twisted. They have their days but I'm the godfather of this shit and I'm not going anywhere but up.

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