Thursday, May 5, 2011

Washington Capitals GM Wants Bruce Boudreau Back

bruce boudreau washington capitals head coach george mcphee nhl playoffs
Washington Capitals general manager George McPhee released a statement today about how he expects head coach Bruce Boudreau back for the 2011-2012 season. I'm not ready to say Brucey will definitely be back yet because one day after your season ends this is what you have to say as general manager. I still expect Boudreau to be canned but this interview and the quotes got me so frustrated that I had to post it:
According to Washington Capitals General Manager George McPhee, he expects Bruce Boudreau to return as the team's coach next season.

"I expect him to be back, yeah," McPhee told reporters on Thursday. "He's a good coach."

Despite finishing atop the Eastern Conference, the Capitals were swept from the playoffs by the Tampa Bay Lightning, falling 5-3 in Game 4 on Wednesday.

The team has advanced to the playoffs each of Boudreau's four seasons, but has yet to get past the second round. The Caps are 17-20 in the playoffs under Boudreau.

However, that record doesn't faze McPhee.

"Someone said he's not a good playoff coach," McPhee said. "There's no difference between a playoff coach and regular-season coach. Either you're a good coach or you're not. He's a good coach."

The players also seem to want Boudreau to stay.

"This locker room is unbelievable," Capitals captain Alex Ovechkin said following Game 4. "Everybody supports everybody. I hope this same team is going to be here next year."
There are so many things wrong with this article/press conference/whatever you want to call it but I'll try to keep it brief.

1 - "Either you're a good coach or you're not. He's a good coach." The Capitals don't need a good coach, they need a great coach. Moving on.

2 - "The players also seem to want Boudreau to stay." Do you know why the players love Bruce Boudreau so much? Because he has no rules. Because he doesn't make them go to practice. Because he isn't a hard-ass. Because he tries so hard to get along with all of them and be their friend. Because there's no consequences when you don't play hard. Because you know you can slack off and there will be no consequences. If you gave me the option of living in a college dorm with a midnight curfew or one with a 3 A.M. curfew even though the midnight one would probably benefit me down the road, I'd obviously pick the latter.

Two points is all I needed on this one.

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