Monday, May 9, 2011

Andrew Bynum Is a Punk.

It's fair to say the Lakers are gutless and classless, right? Kobe might be the classiest dude on the team and he fucking raped a girl so what does that tell you? Mike Tirico said it best yesterday. "Being a champion means you also have to lose like a champion." Everyone likes to talk about the Celtics being dirty and scumbags but you don't see KG throwing an elbow into a dude's chest after being demoralized through 4 games. You don't see Ray Allen getting tangled up with point guards then violently throwing them into the hardwood. You don't see Paul Pierce calling reporters "retarded" for asking fair and honest questions. Lakers getting swept and then going out with their heads down feels like General Macarthur storming the shores of Japan and running train on them for 6 years.

P.S. Coffee farts are the worst. My room smells like Auschwitz on a tuesday right now.

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