Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Game 5 Tonight. This Is It.

Like Kevin Millar said in 2004 when the Sox were down 3 games to zip, "Don't let us win tonight. Don't let us take the series back to Boston."  This is it for the big 3. Truly the end of an era and I'd like to go out with banner 18 in our  hands. You have to think Doc isn't coming back next year, there's gonna be a season long lockout so that throws away the final contract year for KG and Ray. We're left with an 35 year old Pierce and Rondo. This is it. We can go down like everyone expects and pass the torch to the Heat or we can fight and keep this epic 4 year story going because a game 6 in Boston would be legendary. Total storybook shit. They'll make a 50 for 50 documentary on this series in 20 years on ESPN. It'll be called "Heart of a Champion: How a group of veterans turned back the clock and took back the night."  We'll tell our children about it as we recall how Rondo willed this squad to victory one fucking arm.  I get goosebumps thinking about it.We win tonight and the series is ours. That's a fact.

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