Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Be Fucking Up The Program

Let me hit you with a fastball right quick. I’ve been blogging with half a heart for the past week. Totally going through the motions out there. I’m setting picks like Nenad Kristic and struggling to jog up the court like Tractor Traylor(too soon?). Then tonight something clicked. Chalk it up to the 30 pounds of pollen that left my body when I sneezed earlier but never the less, I felt good and more importantly, I felt pissed off. But Blogger decides to fuck up the program for everybody. Hey assholes, I’m trying to close in on 100,000 page views by Memorial Day Weekend so I can throw a fucking ripper in honor of America, the dudes who slammed Osama and Ogling Ed Hochuli. Some call that the holy trinity at the church of Rza. You doing your slapdick maintenance during the daytime is catastrophic for my numbers. From about noon to 11 PM are my primetime hours. Keep in mind I probably have more people under the age of 18 than over who read this piece of shit but that’s another post for another day. Once they hit 16 it’s cool to start cupping nipple right? Whatever. I don’t want Blogger or anybody else to think I’m OK with this or that it’ll all be forgiven when shit is fixed. This aint holiday ball. You’re not gonna shun me all night in public then blow me in the morning and think it’s all gravy. I’m a man. I have pride.  I’m a prideful man with no patience and a very short temper.  Nobody stops Rza from getting what he wants. That’s a fact. Peep my track record. When I really want it, I get it so you can imagine what I’m going through when some piece of shit pixel screen tells me I can’t get my thoughts out when I need to. There’s really no point to this other than to say I’m fucking heated and I have some advice for these needle dick networking nerds. Take your dicks in your hands, remove it from your body, shove it up your ass then FUCK YOUR FACE.  My CAT IS GOING TO FUCK YOU IN THE FACE.

P.S. I guess it's cool to delete my other 2 posts from yesterday? Do I walk into your kitchen and rip dinner off the table? Is this war torn Poland? Fuck you. I hope every worker in that Blogger office gets Chlamydia.

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