Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some Whack Agent Is Not Pleased With Sean Avery

TORONTO -- Sean Avery's support for same-sex marriage has drawn fire from hockey agent Todd Reynolds. "Very sad to read Sean Avery's misguided support of same-gender 'marriage.' Legal or not, it will always be wrong," tweeted Reynolds. He's the vice president of Ontario-based Uptown Sports Management, which counts Chris Neil, Cody McCormick and Mike Fisher among its hockey clients.

Yikes. One thing I've learned in my young 21 years is that you don't want to get the gays all fired up. That's a flame that's not easy to put out. Those motherfuckers won't quit. That's why it's best to do what I do and just ignore them. I don't support whatever rally they're trying to throw together but I also don't support stopping their rally. They're whatever. They don't exist in my eyes.  Do your thing, don't bother me.

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