Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Day, Another Gay! The Virus Keeps Spreading! Head For The Hills!

NEW YORK -- They were sitting in their dorm room late at night talking, not necessarily about anything deep or meaningful. Just talking, as people do at the end of the day. They were Villanova freshmen, two guys tossed together by the fate of their college who would grow so close that even now, eight years later, they remain as tight as brothers. And so that night as they talked casually, their friendship already on solid footing, Will Sheridan told Mike Nardi something he had only told a few people. "I just said, 'I need to tell you something ... I'm gay,'" Sheridan said.  "I'm gay." Those two words are the last hurdles to be cleared in sports, the five letters strung together that critics insist would destroy a locker room and more, destroy the athlete who utters them.

Really? You had to say "I'm gay" twice? Like the first time he didn't hear you because he was too busy playing xbox or he thought you were joking? But really I think he said it twice to add to the dramatic effect. Everyone knows how those gays love their theater. Typical homosexuals. Always trying to steal the spotlight when you're up 2 strokes with one to play at Augusta.

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