Sunday, May 8, 2011

Uhhh OK?

Sean Avery of the NHL's New York Rangers is becoming one of the few pro athletes to support same-sex marriage. Avery has recorded a video supporting the New Yorkers for Marriage Equality campaign, the New York Times reported Saturday. That makes him one of few pro athletes to publicly support gay rights. He's also believed to be the first pro New York area athlete to publicly advocate same-sex marriage. No active male player in major U.S. team sports has declared his homosexuality, according to the Times. In the video, the 31-year old on-ice agitator looks into the camera and says: "I'm Sean Avery, and I'm a New Yorker for marriage equality. I treat everyone the way I expect to be treated, and that applies to marriage." He adds: "Committed couples should be able to marry the person they love. Join me in supporting marriage equality."

I have nothing against the gays. Absolutely nothing. That doesn't mean I agree with anything they stand for but it also doesn't mean I feel the need to hate them just because they like fucking each other. Is it gross? Sure. Is it wrong? Not really. They're like Muslims to me. I'm not gonna slap a motherfucker for praying to Allah but it's within my right to think their religion and ideology is dumb and flawed. We should be able to have healthy debates over it without causing bodily harm and the same goes for gay marriage. Do I support marriage equality? Nah. Do I support punching homos? No. I don't really give a fuck. Not my problem to deal with. You also won't see me flying to Libya anytime soon to blow up Gaddifi. Ya follow? This post is confusing me. What I'm saying is I don't pay attention or care about same sex marriages. Push it under the carpet for someone else to deal with. My theory on the gays is that they're like mushrooms. Feed 'em shit and keep em in the dark. That didn't make sense, I just really wanted to say it.

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