Friday, May 13, 2011

Ashton Kutcher Twitter vs Charlie Sheen Twitter

Charlie Sheen Twitter vs Ashton Kutcher Twitter. I found this news title explode and get in google trends. What happend with Charlie Sheen and Ashton Kutcher? This news is becouse an issue that Ashton Kutcher will replace Charlie Sheen on Two and Half Men. Charlie Sheen's twitter account has exploded with Snarky comments about the news casting.

No one is really sure what the role of Kutcher is going to be in Two and Half Men but we can always be assured that he is going to be a hoot and a half. I am sure that you have seen the series Punked and the many movies that he has done. I am interested to see what will happen with the show. He is not going to be banking as much money as Charlie Sheen made so maybe that will keep the Charlie Sheen twitter from blowing up.

Charlie Sheen has been silent on the new on Twitter, but has sounded off elsewhere, according to TMZ.

Charlie tells TMZ, “Kutcher is a sweetheart and a brilliant comedic performer … Oh wait, so am I!!”

Charlie continues, taking a shot at the show, saying, “Enjoy the show America. Enjoy seeing a 2.0 in the demo every Monday, WB.” Essentially, Charlie is saying the age group that supported him is going to tune out.

Charlie adds, “Enjoy planet Chuck, Ashton. There is no air, laughter, loyalty, or love there.” Of course, Charlie is referring to his nemesis, “Men” creator and Executive Producer Chuck Lorre

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