Friday, May 20, 2011

Is Parks and Rec The Best Show On TV?

It's clear The Office is done holding down the #1 spot anymore. They're like an aging veteran going into the twilight of his career. Sure he'll still put up solid numbers and can occasionally throw a retro performance of 31, 10,  and 8 at you  but for the most part he'll be a 15 and 8 kind of guy and you're OK with that because that's what old people do, they die. My only question is what show takes the #1 spot now? Modern Family is about end season 2 and Park and Recs just finished season 3 last night. They're pretty much entering the Derrick Rose part of their career. Worked out all the rookie year kinks and now they blow your dick off every time they light up the TV. I might have to go with Parks and Rec just because I have a weird crush on Amy Poehler and Ron Swanson might be the greatest fictional character ever written. Oh and Robert fucking Lowe is on the show. We love Rob Lowe. Everybody loves Rob Lowe.

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