Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water!!!

First lets go with the definition of "crunk" as defined by Urban Dictionary:

In 1995, Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter were scheming ways to get past the TV censors on Conan's late night talk show, and they settled on an all-purpose, suitable replacement for the infamous seven dirty swearwords that they couldn't say on TV: Crunk. The choice to use that word was definitely not random. Ice T just happened to be on the show that night, and he likely fed the word to them beforehand and certainly helped fuel its popularity during the telecast ("That was seriously crunked up, right there."). But Ice never claimed to have come up with the word--he probably got it from Dirty South rappers, who had been using it for years as a euphemism for getting really crazy and fucked up on marijuana and alcohol (stoned and drunk. Chronic plus Drunk = Crunk). Or maybe crack and drunk. Or coke and drunk. Or maybe just being crazy and drunk. Whatever it is, it means getting really crazy and fucked up. And with Conan's introduction of the word to northern suburban audiences, Crunk came into its own as the recognized sound of the new generation of Dirty South Rap, prompting white college fratboys everywhere to wander around going "WHHHUT!! OKAAY!! YEEEAAHHH!!"

Crazy right? Well this is a little spin off of the most popular blog ever, tips4tits. Pretty much I will be visiting several different colleges and towns going to many parties. What will I do there? Get crunk... obviously. There will be videos of parties at different colleges and a very complex ranking system as to how good each college party is. And what will I do in the summer when school is not in session? I will go to different towns of course, and rate the towns on how good their parties are. I will also probably have people send me clips of parties that they were at and how good it was. This is still in the making but when it gets going it will be phenomenal. 

I like it. It's like he's maturing before our eyes. One day he's all about hooking up and getting pussy then the next he realizes it aint all about the girls but more about getting drunk on the reg. I think he's really coming into his own.  That's the #1 rule I tell my young blogging pupils. Find your voice, be original, and always empty the tank. I've actually never once said that because I'm selfish and don't want anyone to be as good as me.

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