Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bubba Watson = Dude.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Tiger Woods is not at the Wells Fargo Championship. But that hardly keeps his name from coming up in conversation. In part of a larger discussion about swing coaches, Bubba Watson -- a frequent practice round partner of Woods' -- said without prompting that he believes "Tiger is going the wrong way.'' Watson has never employed a swing coach. The conversation centered on the fact that Woods' teacher, Sean Foley, parted ways with Sean O'Hair this week. "I'll just go ahead and say it. I think Tiger is going the wrong way,'' said Watson, who won the Zurich Classic of New Orleans on Sunday, his third PGA Tour title in 10 months. "I just think he's so mental right now with his swing. "Just go out there and play golf. He used to hit shots, he used to bomb it, used to do all that stuff. In 2000 and '97, I think he did pretty good. He won the Masters by 48 shots or whatever he won it by. I think sometimes he gets carried away on that. And a lot of guys do.''

Obviously Tiger will always be #1 in my heart but Bubba Watson is quickly climbing to #1 because he just showed the world exactly what a dude does.  Don't wait to be asked something controversial, come right out and say it. Speak your mind and don't give a fuck what the reaction is in the peanut gallery. And he's so fucking right with what he said, too. Old Tiger would go out there and mash it. He'd hit shots that other golfers couldn't even conceive. His care free swing is what gave him confidence and what put fear into every motherfucker above him on the leader board

Do people still say "peanut gallery"? That's one of the reasons I want to be a history teacher. I cant wait to say things like, "Hey! pipe down in the peanut gallery! proceed with your answer, Allison." Kids these days.

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