Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fuck This Bitch.

HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!?! Me and Tom Terrific could never be friends? Are you mental? You don't know me, bitch. You don't know what I'm capable of. Our knack for fashion is impeccable. That's an ice breaker right off the bat for me and Tommy to light the spark. But who am I to argue with a football mom? She knows her shit. It's not like she misconstrued everything I said in that blog post and took it all literally like I'm the fucking New York Times or something. Seriously who is FootbaMom4040? She's gotta have Aspergers, right?  Those people don't quite understand sarcasm and have trouble adapting to social cues. At least That's what my mom says and she's a 2nd grade teacher so shes kind of an expert on awkward turds(footballmom4040 will probably read this and think my mom is an expert on weird shaped feces). How else do you explain her calling me out for saying I had a big dick even though I was clearly referencing the Patriots as an organization or that I think about Tom Terrifics ball sweat? Get real.

P.S. you might be jealous of my cat's big paws but he aint jealous of you. Nobody should be leaving comments at 2:38 AM unless you're posting a picture of your fat tits in the blog fan section that doesn't exist yet.

P.S.S. Autism isn't a joke. But I go for blood.

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