Friday, May 6, 2011

Relax, Al Qaeda.

(CNN) -- Saber-rattling al Qaeda warnings against the United States emerged Friday as Osama bin Laden's killing yielded a trove of ominous intelligence, including details about a possible attack on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Al Qaeda, the bin Laden terror network that masterminded the deadly attack on the U.S. 10 years ago, confirmed its leader's death on Friday in a Web statement, using that opportunity to taunt and threaten the United States. "Sheikh Osama didn't build an organization that will vanish with his death or fades away with his departure," according to the statement, which CNN could not independently authenticate.  "This blood will be a curse that will chase the Americans and their agents, a curse that will pursue them inside and outside their country, and soon -- with God's help -- we pray that their happiness turns into sorrow and may their blood mix with their tears and let Sheikh Osama's resonate again." Al Qaeda frequently cites the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in its pronouncements, and it did so again, saying America "will neither enjoy nor live in security until our people in Palestine live it and enjoy it."

Keep chirping, fellas. Is it just me or have these clowns become a little played out? They're like the New York Yankees. Yeah they were the big bad bullies for 10 years and had the world living in fear but the gig is up, baby. Things done changed around here. Freddy Kruger is dead. Particles of his skull are all over his crib and his wife has a fucking bullet in her knee cap. I'm sure Obama read this transcript, smirked at Joe Biden, told him to "check this out, brotha", wiped his ass with it then banged his wife and walked out of the room with more swagger than OJ after he beat that silly murder trial.

P.S. I'll feel like a total dick if something tragic happens in the next 72 hours but what else is new? I aint scared. That's the what terrorists want me to feel and Jack Bauer does not negotiate with terrorists.

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