Monday, March 14, 2011

Well There Goes My Entire Spring...

Michelle Beadle is off the market. The ESPN SportsNation co-host confirmed with The Big Lead that she’s dating hockey analyst Matthew Barnaby. The couple have been dating for six months now and they informed ESPN last Fall. An anonymous reader in Buffalo tipped the blog off as both Beadle and Barnaby tweeted they were in town for a youth hockey tournament. Beadle pointed out that a few other readers who follow both of them on twitter noticed the connection as well. Congrats to Beadle and Barnaby for keeping it a secret this long.

I like Matthew Barnaby. I like him a lot, he was my kind of hockey player. Just a total grinder who would get it in your head and wasn't afraid to throw down with the goones. Like a poor man's Sean Avery. Having said all that, fuck him. Fuck him with an AIDS dick. You want to take my girl out then be my guest because we all know I can't compete with a hockey player. Chicks get wet for those guys. My real gripe with Barnanby involves his wife that he totally ditched on the side of the road once Beadle joined the company. He was married a year ago and he's been officially dating Beadle for 6 months which means they've been boning for about 14 and keeping it hush. 8 months of dishonesty and turning your back on your family.  I don't like that sleezy behavior. And if you do then maybe Tips4Tits is the blog for you but it makes want to take a hockey stick, shove it up his ass and slice him open from the waist up to his neck.

P.S. Michelle, call me. We need to talk. I know my blogging career took off but it doesn't mean I forgot about SportsNation. There's still hope for us once Barnaby is dead.

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