Friday, March 11, 2011

How Fake Is Kobe?

MIAMI – Kobe Bryant(notes) had come back into the empty arena, his gray Lakers T-shirt soaked with sweat as the shots kept arcing into the night. The clock lurched toward midnight, the clean-up crew stuffed popcorn boxes and wrappers into trash bags and the NBA’s most maniacal talent wouldn’t leave the gym. He had returned to shoot for an hour and a half on the Heat’s floor, to go back to work, launching hundreds of jumpers and inspiring a spectacle born of obsession and manipulation. This was for him. This was for them. This was because Bryant can still see LeBron James(notes) and Dwyane Wade(notes) in June, that the Miami Heat are still championship contenders. He was beating himself up on the floor late Thursday, stealing the stage and sending a bleep-you to James and Wade: Enjoy your night out after a big March victory, because I’m staying back to turn out the lights in your gymnasium. Bryant wanted the workout, wanted the chance to cleanse himself of missed shots and missed opportunities in the final minutes. Mostly, he wanted James and Wade to understand the lengths they’ll need to go to take his title away. “This is my job,” Bryant would say 2½ hours after the game, slumped in a chair courtside. “This is what you’re supposed to do … ”

Are people seriously buying this story about Kobe? That suddenly he's this old school Michael Jordan or Larry Bird type player who just can't accept failure?  Bull. Fucking. Shit. The Lakers lost to Miami in front of a national television audience on TNT. Kobe played liked shit. He's clearly embarrassed. You think he'd stay after to shoot baskets if they lost to Milwaukee on the same night when there wasn't as much media attention and scrutiny? Fuck no. He's an actress and he plays the part well but he's no MJ and he's no Bird. He knows he has about 2 solid years of peak performance left so he's so fucking desperate to prove to people that he belongs in the discussion as one of the best ever before his candle burns out. It's not too hard to sniff out the shit this guy is selling 24/7. He's as selfish as he was the day he came into the league and this image he tries to portray as a team player who let his team down last night is bullshit.

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