Friday, March 11, 2011

What The Fuck?

I've mastered this technique? Huh? I'm an asshole? This is news to me, bro. I mean yeah, in my heyday I may have treated the ground I walked on as a giant playground and rightfully so but not anymore. It doesn't seem like a smart idea to be a dick to the girl you're interested in. Maybe do that a chick you just wanna slap around for a night and never call again but that's not my game. I play for keeps now. Does that make me a pussy? Sure, maybe. Doesn't mean I won't knock you the fuck out if you're a clown or anything. I still pack a mean right hook. It just means I'm more concerned with being nice to the people I care about. I've come to find the bitches, I mean the females, dig that shit. Chalk it up to my old age and lonely nights turning me into a hopeless romantic. I'm not trying to die with my dick decaying and falling off from the gonorrhea.

P.S. I'm sure this shit works on slutty girls but why work on a slutty girl? Not having to try is what makes her a whore in the first place. How's that for Tips4Tits?

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