Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Want To Marry Kate Middleton So Bad I Can Taste It

No real body features that blow you out of the water but she seems like the perfect girl. Like I bet she's fun as a fuck to hang out with. Probably has no problem with pouring herself a pint and enjoying a Manchester United game on the tube with the boys. But here's the real kicker that drives me wild about her. She dresses to the 9's 24/7. That's so important to me and maybe that makes me a little gay. I don't care if you look like Brooklyn Decker, if you dress like a fucking dickhead then get out of my way. Did I mention she's cute? Adorable. I wanna hug the shit out of her. That's actually a gross image if you think about it literally. It's all fun and games until somebody pinches a loaf on the family room carpet.

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