Monday, April 12, 2010

Barry Bonds Is Still Alive? That's Too Bad.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Home run king Barry Bonds said Sunday he is "proud" of Cardinals hitting coach Mark McGwire for admitting his use of performance-enhancing drugs. "I have a really good friendship with Mark McGwire. I'm proud of him," the 45-year-old Bonds, back in the Bay Area for a reunion at AT&T Park of the Giants' 2000 NL West champion team, said when asked what he thought of McGwire's January admission. "We've had a great relationship throughout our entire lives and throughout our career. I'm proud of what he did. I'm happy for him." While Bonds didn't rule out also going into coaching one day, his six-minute session with the media was stopped after the question about McGwire. Earlier this year, McGwire ended more than a decade of denials and evasion and finally acknowledged he used steroids and human growth hormone during his career, including in 1998 when he hit 70 home runs and broke the single-season record. Bonds, who topped that mark when he hit 73 homers in 2001, has long denied ever knowingly using steroids or performance-enhancers in his pursuit of the career home run record -- arguably the most prized record in all of American sports. Bonds was indicted on charges he lied in 2003 to a federal grand jury investigating BALCO, the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative, and obstructed justice.

This is weird because just the other day I was wondering where the fuck Barry Bonds has been. I've never seen society shun an athlete so quickly after retirement. And if I was Bonds I'd be thanking my lucky stars that nobody gave a shit about me anymore. If Mickelson reminded everybody what was great about sports, Bonds just had to come out of hiding and show what is so wrong. I don't know if I hate any pro athlete more than this asshole. He's proud of McGwire? For doing what he should have done 7 years ago? Get a fucking grip on your life, bro. Just admit you're the biggest fraud in the history of baseball. Like when I think of the home run king I don't even think of Bonds. I had to read this story to remember that. He makes Tiger looks like citizen fucking kane.

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