Monday, May 2, 2011

Superman Isn't American Anymore? Hey Bro, We Just Killed Bin Laden. Now Is Not The Time To Shun Us.

He may stand for truth and justice, but Superman is giving up on the American way. In issue #900 of Action Comics, the Man of Steel renounces his United States citizenship. According to ComicsAlliance, the comic book sees the superhero flying to Tehran to support protesters who are demonstrating against the Iranian regime. But the security adviser to the U.S. president becomes upset with him because the Iranian government mistakenly believes Superman was sent there by America and considers his actions an act of war.After realizing that he behaved foolishly, Superman decides that he will renounce his American citizenship at the United Nations the next day but continue to fight crime from a global perspective .Superman -- an alien who came to Earth from the planet Krypton -- explains that he "can't help but see the bigger picture" and that the world is "too connected" for him to identify himself as being solely American.

So this is the type of slapdick comic books the kid are reading these days? Getting all political with protests in Iran and talking about how we're all connected on this planet called Earth? This scares me because I grew up on Batman and Superman and all those super hero cartoons. They made the man I am today. Back in the day if one of those guys saw evil, they destroyed it. You want respect? You go out and earn it with the big boys and let your fists do all the talking. They weren't trying to set an example or be a positive role model for the youth of society. What the fuck is next? What are my kids gonna be reading about? Are we supposed to forget about epic villains like the Joker and just concentrate on global warming? Will Superman turn into a vegetarian too and try to get fighting taken out of hockey? Not on my watch.

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