Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's a RomCom Post - "Bridesmaids" and Drew Barrymore's "How to Be Single"

You should all know by now that I love romantic comedies. I pretty much love all movies but romcoms in particular, so this post should not be a surprise to you.

"Bridesmaids" is an upcoming romantic comedy starring Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Rose Byrne to be released on May 13. It also has Ellie Kemper (Erin from "The Office"), Jon Hamm, Melissa McCarthy (the fat chick from "Mike & Molly) and Nancy Carell. I'm not really that excited for this movie solely because it's pretty much an all girl cast, and girls aren't funny (although I do like Kristen Wiig). The movie is directed by Paul Feig who directed episodes of "The Office", "Arrested Development" and "Weeds", among others. Judd Apatow is producing it so the combination of him and Feig might make this movie decent. Without them I'm sure the movie would be one giant self loathing, man hating, PMS filled extravaganza.

The first trailer came out about a month ago and yesterday a new one was released. There are a few funny lines in it and Rose Byrne is a little bit siiilllyyy looking so that was enough to get me to give this one a chance. I don't have high movie standards people.

<a href="" target="_new" title="Exclusive: 'Bridesmaids' Trailer">Video: Exclusive: 'Bridesmaids' Trailer</a>

Drew Barrymore is set to direct her second film, "Dealing With Being Annoying, Fat and Alone in New York City: the Drew Barrymore Story" "How to Be Single". According to THR, "Single explores the love lives and break-ups of a group of New Yorkers over the course of ten years". I'm hooked! It is based on the book by Liz Tuccillo who co-wrote "He's Just Not That Into You", which Drew Barrymore produced. I imagine Drew Barrymore has to pay people to be in movies because I can't come to any other conclusion as to why people let her be in their films. She's on a roll starring in movies about her life right now, as she just finished filming Everybody Loves Whales, set to be released January 13, 2012.

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