Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is This Song Real?

Heard it on the radio today and I thought it was a joke. When did Bruno Mars become big enough that he can put out piece of shit songs and everything is still gravy? When did he ever put out a good song? This is bullshit. Maybe it would have been better if he dedicated it to me because this is my life 24/7. I haven't combed my hair since I was 8. I very rarely pick up the phone. Kicking my feet up and sticking my hand on my balls isn't a "lazy day" for me, that's an every fucking day. The only I'm not so sure about is walking around house naked. I'll tell what I like to do instead when I have the house to myself. Take shits with the door open. Ya. However, not so cool when you forget you told one of your friends to stop by and they see that.

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