Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Disney Stars Nicole Anderson and Chelsea Kane Staub Rumored Caught on Camera Snorting Cocaine

RadarOnline.com reported yesterday that two unnamed young Hollywood actresses were caught on camera snorting cocaine. In the video their faces are blurred out so we can't tell for sure who the girls are but it is rumored to be Disney stars Nicole Anderson and Chelsea Kane Staub who are both on the Jonas Brothers show. Anderson is 20 while Kane is 22.

In the video they snort coke with $100 bills while some rich white dudes use racial slurs. Oh, Hollywood! Chelsea Kane will appear on the 12th season of Dancing with the Stars which starts on Monday. Perfect timing! I think the funniest part of this whole thing is that if you watch the video below you can see someone clearly uploaded multiple videos of them snorting coke and even timestamped them. One was called "Snort out of a one- 12:37 am" and the other "Coke Table- 1:07am". Doing coke is crazy but doing it at 12:37am?!? Sheenis Envy. This video would actually be cool if their faces weren't blurred and they were naked making out with each other. They should take a page out of Demi Lovato's book. You can't let an 18-year-old embarrass you on the party circuit like that.

Speaking of young Disney stars who like to party and do cocaine Demi Lovato, she finally returned to twitter yesterday. Demi hadn't tweeted since October 28th, around the time when she left the Jonas Brothers tour to enter rehab. I'm not sure how we all survived without Demi tweeting the past 5 months. The Jonas brothers seem to be linked to all these incidents and I really hope they are huge closet partiers that put Chuck Sheen to shame. I bet they hide coke in their jewelry/purity rings, Cruel Intentions style.

demi lovato coke cocaine partying nicole anderson chelsea kane staub disney channel jonas brothers dancing with the stars
Is it a coincidence that Ugg Boots For Men and Demi Lovato came back on the same day? I think not.

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