Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Erin Andrews Interested in Being "The Bachelorette"

erin andrews the bachelor bachelorette peephole
Erin Andrews just did an interview with KNBR in San Francisco and the topic of conversation quickly turned to The Bachelor. She was asked about what she thought of the finale that aired Monday and then started talking about how she might be interested in being "The Bachelorette".
"I e-mailed my publicist in the middle of the show and I was like can you just get me on this thing or what? What are we doing?”

“I’m not saying I want to be on there, but I mean I’m just wondering if I should do it? Should I just do it?”

“I already had it all planned out. My publicist wrote me back right away. I had it all planned out. I don’t like cheesy lines and I don’t like people who are really stupid so I was thinking they could put really nerdy guys on and I could be like are you serious right now with that line. Then my dates wouldn’t be sky-diving or plummeting from buildings. We would go to batting practice and I would see if they could hold their own talking to some of these guys and if they were a total dork it would be like you’re done, you’re out.”
The Bachelor/Bachelorette are all for show anyways so I say she should do it. The more we get to see of Erin Andrews the better. It's not like these shows are serious. Why shouldn't she do it? Hopefully there will be a bunch of really nerdy guys on the show because they are way more likely to wire secret cameras in her room and tape for the entire season. The worst that can happen is someone knocks her up and she gets fat but the best that can happen is we get more peephole videos. I'm willing to take that risk. Plus everyone on that show just gets Patrick Schwasted the entire time and we need some sloppy Erin Andrews videos.


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