Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tiger Talking Like Tiger Again

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Who's the best player in the world? If you ask Tiger Woods, it's a simple answer. "When I get my swing dialed in?," Woods said rhetorically in an interview with ESPN's Tom Rinaldi on Wednesday's "SportsCenter." When asked if he was referring to himself, Woods smiled and nodded. He has not won a tournament since the Australian Masters in November 2009, but told Rinaldi that he "absolutely" believes he will break Jack Nicklaus' record for major tournaments won. "That's the goal. That's always been the goal," Woods said. "From before I turned pro until now, that's the goal golf-wise."

I've said this forever. You have swag out the ass if you can respond to a question with a question of your own that makes everybody look down and feel dumb for approaching you. Like, "Rza, given Donahue's epic rise to the top of the blogging pyramid; is it time to pass the throne?" And then I simply look you doubters in the eyes and say, "Is a bird in the hand worth two in a bush?" Game, set, match. But is there anyone who doubts Tiger is gonna crush the Masters? I know I said that last year but I mean it this time. He seems to have his emotional edge back and that's huge for anybody. Last year he got shit on by everybody and he was taking names. This year he's carrying an ax in his golf bag and heads will roll. I'm doing the same thing. Tips4Tits, I'm coming for your ass.

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