Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Charlie Sheen Invites You To His Stand-Up Tour

*UPDATE* I got really tired of this video auto-playing every time I loaded the blog and I can't figure out how to turn off the auto-play so I'm moving the entire post to after the jump. If you want to see Charlie Sheen's newest video showing that he's fit for a straitjacket while also hashtag-winning hit "Read More" below. Sheenis Envy, out!

What the fuck just happened?!? I'm so confused. Was he trying to pretend he was typing on twitter? I think I might be scared of him now. Before it was just "Oh hey look, Charlie Sheen is being hilarious again" but now I think we should all build bunkers and get food rations because there's a good chance he destroys us all. #fastball At least we got a new term out of this video #SheenisEnvy

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