Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What The Fuck Is Up With Glee?

I don't get it. I don't get the appeal or the story line or the moral compass they try to  install in every episode. From what I've seen the only award they should win is being the most unrealistic show on television. I mean even The Event is more likely to happen in real life than a day in the life of a Glee character. Do these kids not go to class? They just sing and dance and hang out in the gym locker room all day? Is this glee club an after school activity? If so, why are so many students walking around? Does it interfere with football practice? And obviously the one gay kid has to get bullied because there's no such thing as a gay guy who has a regular life. What kind of message is that? Ya know, because we're still living in the 1930's when being homosexual was something to be ashamed and scared of. I don't buy into the whole bullying scene. Like everyone is just gonna go about their business in a tiny school hallway while a kid named Kurt gets shoved into a locker everyday? Really? I don't think so. Which brings up another point, does this school have one hallway? Are we in Har-Bur middle school? Except in this school, we have every race represented because we don't want the rest of the nation to go into an uproar. We got a chubby asian, a fat black chick, two jews, 2 blonde cheerleaders, good looking quarterback, a gay, a bro in a wheel chair, and one sub par girl. Every base is covered. I don't know. Kinda seems like a grown up version of Sesame Street or something.

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