Monday, November 1, 2010

Coach Shanny Calls McNabb a Fatty

ASHBURN, Va. -- Mike Shanahan has a new explanation for benching Donovan McNabb. The Washington Redskins coach says the quarterback wasn't in good enough shape to run a two-minute offense with no timeouts. Shanahan on Monday said McNabb has been struggling with hamstring injuries for five weeks and didn't have the "cardiovascular endurance" to stay on the field with the game on the line against Detroit. Shanahan said he even considered not playing McNabb at all against the Lions. Shanahan yanked McNabb for Rex Grossman with 1:50 to play in the 37-25 loss, a move than stunned the locker room and had teammates questioning the team's commitment to the six-time Pro Bowl quarterback. McNabb looked fine during the game and even rushed for a team-high 45 yards.

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