Friday, November 12, 2010

Manny Pacquiao Doesn't Need To Beat Margarito, He Needs To Murder Him

Antonio Margarito takes on Manny Pacquiao on Saturday and there is no lack of bad blood between the fighters’ camps. However, the Margarito camp went too far. In a video that has since been removed, Margarito and Brandon Rios, along with their trainer and ex-fighter Robert Garcia, are seen making fun of Freddie Roach’s Parkinson’s disease. However, the fact that the video has been pulled, edited and pulled again is quickly becoming the story. The video originally came from AOL FanHouse’s Elie Seckbach, but was removed and then edited. I’m not entirely sure why. FanHouse wasn’t a party to the assholery. They just posted the video of a couple boxers making fun of a guy with Parkinson’s. When the video was put up later today by another user, it was again pulled. This time because of a copywrite claim by Seckbach. Not a good look for FanHouse or Seckbach.

This dude is such a fucking scumbag. First he puts plaster on his wraps and pretends like he didn't know it was under his gloves and now he's gonna try to pretend like he didn't know Freddie Roach has Parkinson's? Really? So who was he making fun of? Muhammad Ali?  Michael J. Fox? I fucking know he wasn't about to make fun of Marty McFly. Doc Brown wouldn't allow it.

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