Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Straight Couple Wants The Law To See Them As Gays

Tom Freeman and Katherine Doyle are in love and want to tie the knot - but they don't want to get married. The 26-year-old Londoners think they should be allowed to have a civil partnership, a form of legal union available in Britain only to same-sex couples. On Tuesday, after having their application to form a civil partnership rejected by officials at their local town hall in Islington, north London, they said they will go to court to win the right. They are being backed by gay rights activists, who hope a ruling that allows straight couples the right to a civil partnership would mean, in turn, that gay couples have the right to wed. "The titles of husband and wife and all the things that pop into people's heads when you say you're getting married don't appeal to us," said Doyle, a student. "In our day-to-day life we feel like civil partners - we don't feel like husband and wife, and we want the government to recognize that."

The gays can't get married in England? I really have no problem with the homosexual party. I mean don't try to pull that shit off in my church or run for public office but anything else is fine. You wanna go bump and grind on your wedding day at city hall? Be my guest. Maybe slap Dan Malloy on the ass for me as a job well done token. Also I don't want you on my touch football team or being a cub scout leader for my future son. Actually stay away from all types of kids because we can't have that influence on the youth. The gay is contagious, after all. But back to the story. I wanna call bullshit on these two for wanting a civil union or whatever instead of marriage. To me it sounds like they're too ugly homos who can't find a mate so they wanna throw in the towel and take all the benefits they would normally have if they shacked up with a dancing queen. Well, this is one dancing queen you can't fool. I'm watching you and I'm be gonna all over your ass like white on rice. What? That sounded gay?

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