Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Derek Jeter Wins Another Gold Glove. How Does He Even Have Any?

Derek Jeter has never fared well in advanced defensive statistics, typically ranking somewhere between below average and awful. He also now has five Gold Glove awards and a legion of Yankees fans who’ll swear he’s a great defender, so clearly not everyone cares about defensive statistics. And that’s fine, but the notion that Jeter, at age 36, was the best defensive shortstop in the American League this season is simply absurd, whether you love defensive statistics, hate defensive statistics, or merely prefer the Ultimate Warrior to Ultimate Zone Rating. Derek Jeter is a lot of things, including one of the best players of this era and a deserving future Hall of Famer, but he’s not the best defensive shortstop in the American League. He just isn’t. This is as close to a fact as something relatively subjective can get.

Nomar just fucking puked all over his sweat suit. And yes, he's wearing a sweat suit. Don't all mexican, retired men over the age of 35 wear sweat suits? Maybe a gold chain. I'm not even gonna comment on Jeter because this story says it all for me. What a fucking joke. To top it all off, he's probably gonna get a huge contract. For what? Looking good in pinstripes? The Steinbrenner's are such vagina's that they don't wanna low ball Jeter or give him the contract he actually deserves because then their hero boy might change teams. Whatever. Knock yourself out. Try to find Jeter on this list. Took me about 10 minutes. Marco Scutaro had better defensive numbers than him. MARCO. SCUTARO. http://www.fangraphs.com/leaders.aspx?pos=ss&stats=fld&lg=al&qual=n&type=1&season=2010&month=0

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