Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joakim Noah Thinks KG Is a Mean, Ugly Man

Joakim Noah's candor is a quality that separates the Chicago Bulls center from many athletes, and when the subject is Boston Celtics forward Kevin Garnett, Noah's candor can turn into biting commentary.  Noah has gone from a fan who once had a Garnett poster in his room to someone who probably has a Garnett photo on his dartboard. "Kevin Garnett will not -- will not -- get a Christmas gift from me," Noah said with a tinge of humor Wednesday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN 1000. "I don't like him." The feud started, or perhaps escalated, during last season's playoffs. After Garnett was suspended for throwing an elbow at Quentin Richardson, Noah -- who was in Cleveland playing the Cavaliers -- chimed in that Garnett was a "dirty player." The most recent incident was Friday night in Boston when Noah received a technical foul, and afterward said of Garnett: "He is who he is." "He's a very mean guy," Noah said Wednesday. "Where's the love? None at all. Ugly, too."

I thought this was a joke at first because who is Joakim Noah to call anyone ugly?  And who does he think he's shocking by telling people that KG is an asshole? It's pretty evident if you watch a game and I love him for that. I don't want to see players being buddies with the other team out there. This aint a gentleman's game. This isn't the 14th tee at Augusta. It's basketball. I wanna see grown men going for blood on every loose ball and throwing elbows like it's a steel cage match. I love that we're the most hated team in the league. I was actually jealous when they said Miami was now the most hated but I think we took that back when KG dropped the cancer patient line then everybody else on the team shrugged it off and called Villanueva a whiney bitch for tweeting it.

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