Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dubya Still Pissed Off About Kanye's Comments

Bush also reveals what he described in the book as the worst moment in his presidency - being called a racist by singer Kanye West. "I resent it; it's not true," the ex-president said. "It was one of the most disgusting moments in my presidency." The remark, which Bush said he did not actually witness but heard about later, occurred during a telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims. West had taken the stage and told the audience, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." "My record was strong, I felt, when it came to race relations and giving people a chance," Bush told Lauer during the NBC interview.

This might come as a shock to people but I absolutely love George W. Bush. He's just a dude who was doing what he thought was best for the country at the time. People always try to paint him in this evil picture and I don't get it. If anything he seemed like the least dangerous guy in the room at all times. The company he kept around him maybe was dangerous but not him. And this little nugget of info sums up why I like him so much. His worst moment wasn't when his approval percentage dropped to nothing or when an Iraqi threw a shoe at him or when he walked out under a banner that read "Mission Accomplished" 7 years too soon. It was when Kanye went on TV and said Bush doesn't care about black people because Dubya actually loves black people. He's their motherfucker. If there's one thing we know about Bush, it's that he knows how to hold a grudge. Saddam tried to kill his daddy and #1 thing on his to-do list when he walked into the white house was put Hussein's skull on a stick. Mission Accomplished. Kanye better start running cause George W is coming for his ass.

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