Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Is Pathetic.

Are we really celebrating a 7-5 season? And it's not a even a healthy 7-5 because one of those wins came against Colgate(or was it cornell? ever heard of it?) so it's really like 6-5. We're happy about that because we get to go to a bowl game that nobody outside of Syracuse and myself will watch? This is what we're shooting for every season? The fucking Big East crown was up for grabs and we didn't even want a piece of it. It's pathetic. Boston College physically kicked the shit out of us on our home turf. Boston College. Yeah. Don't let this take away from the freshman class on the basketball team this year. You thought Carmelo Anothony was a sweet name? Well wait until you get a load of Fab Melo, C.J. Fair, Dion Waiters, and Baye Moussa Keita. Africa unite, indeed.

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