Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Anonymous Commenter Is About To Get His Shit Stomped In

Tom Brady on whether the offense is on the same page
Well, you know, I would say its week-to-week thing, it’s not…last week, sure it was good. I think we've been doing better; I would’t say we’ve got it all figured out. There's still young players that need to contribute. Wes and Deion are a big part of what we do, Rob Gronkowski has proven himself, but Aaron Hernandez has to get more in the mix, Brandon Tate, Julian…it can’t be just one or two guys. That balance on offense (with the run game) has really shown up too.

First of all I don't really understand why you'd wanna comment on a blog post last week that was originally posted in April and after the draft but whatever. And then to do it anonymously? The brass balls on that guy, huh? Plenty of successful people smoke weed? Who? Besides all rappers and some actors, I can't think of anyone. Hey idiot, this aint the corporate office level we're talking about here. This is professional sports where you need all your physical resources. Michael Jordan smoked weed? Kobe smokes weed? Peyton Manning smokes weed? Tom Brady smokes weed? I know Randy Moss and Allen Iverson smoked weed and look how their careers are ending.  Remember when I said I didn't think Aaron Hernandez had his shit together and then he came out this season with big catches and everybody told me I was dumb. Well where the fuck has he been the past 2 weeks? When Tom Terrific says "Aaron Hernande has to get more in the mix" He's really saying "Aaron needs to get in the film room and start working his ass off like the other big play makers." I'll say what I said when we drafted him. I think there's maturity issues with that kid and until he proves it otherwise, I'm gonna stand by it.

P.S. Aaron Hernandez is an amazing human being? Yeah? Did you fuck him or something?

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