Monday, November 1, 2010

Is This Justin Bieber Movie Real?

First off, who is "they''? Because I don't remember telling anybody that this little shit named Justin Bieber was never going to make it. And let's cut the shit about how he was a poor kid who came from nothing. He's white. And lived Canada where I'm pretty sure what they would call poor doesn't exactly translate to little Jamal in Compton. I mean if Bieber was poor and had an infection, he can go get that shit taken care of for free. Where's the struggle in that? I'm calling this right now. He's 16 and by the time he hits 24, we'll all be asking ourselves what happened to Justin Bieber dork. Fact. He's on some Lebron James type shit with people making movies about him and calling him king before he's ever done anything worth writing down in a history book.

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