Monday, November 15, 2010

Golfer Sues Friend For Not Yelling Fore

Two doctors are playing golf on Long Island. One hits such a poor shot from the rough that it hits his partner, standing somewhere off to the side, in the head. Whose fault is that? New York's top court will hear arguments Tuesday about whether Dr. Anoop Kapoor was negligent and should have yelled, "Fore!" as a warning before the shot. A judge dismissed Dr. Azad Anand's lawsuit, finding he took on the primary risk by golfing. A midlevel court, divided 3-1, agreed, concluding Anand was "not in the foreseeable danger zone" and his friend had no duty to yell the customary warning. Anand was blinded in one eye. The Appellate Division majority also questioned whether even a negligent failure to warn another golfer before taking a swing is inconsistent with the doctrine that anyone stepping onto the course assumes the risk of getting hit. "It relieves the striker of almost any responsibility whatsoever," said Steven Cohn, a lawyer representing Anand. "Common practice pretty much says you have a duty to yell, 'Fore!' You have a duty to know where the other golfers are." A dissenting justice said there's a factual question under existing case law about whether Kapoor violated the sport's rule or custom, "unreasonably increased" his partner's risk and caused the accident. The Court of Appeals is expected to rule next month after hearing oral arguments Tuesday.

I like golf but I don't know proper etiquette for on course behavior.  I mean throw me on a court or playing field or a place where a real man's sport is played and I'll run circles around you but not the golf course. I don't think I have the temperament for it. Sorry I don't want to rule a game that frowns upon any sort of emotion. Old school golfers wanna call Tiger Woods barbaric because he yells and fucks babes on the reg but slap a helmet and pads on him and he's a 3 time super bowl winner. Do you really have to yell "Fore!" if your buddy is 20 feet away? That seems a little fruity and we're already dressed like assholes. But really you're too dumb to get the fuck out of my way when I'm hitting from the rough then I hit you in the face and it's my fault because I didn't yell? Even though you would have gotten drilled before I got the words out? Really? I guess the holocaust was our fault because we sat on our thumbs when Hitler started "baking" and didn't jump in until Japan slapped us in the dick and dared us to use it. Well, use it we did when we planted our seed in the form of an atomic bomb. Where was this post going?  This whole story seems like a load of bullshit. Dudes don't sue their fellow dudes. You settle it like the rest of us. Through anonymous commenting on blogs.

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