Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This Music Video Is So Historically Inaccurate It's Not Even Funny

First of all there were no gays in the south and there still aren't to this very day. One of the most charming aspects of that region if you ask me. This wouldn't be a problem if Boy George didn't name the exact setting for his video. But you throw in a state and year and you open yourself up to criticism. I can assure you those bitches in 1870 we're not wearing red, gold and green. Maybe 1970 but not 1870. And now the big part that really grinds my gears. The black people. I love black people but uhhh the Civil War ended in 1865. You're telling me 5 years after the fact, Missippi, one of the most slave populated states was over it? All of a sudden the kid who used to pick your cotton is now wearing a 3 piece suit and grinding on your daughter? With a top hat might I add. The music video is irresponsible.

P.S. What's the deal with the guys stealing earrings off the ears of all the girls?

P.P.S. Is one of those black guys the actor who played Candy Man?

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