Monday, November 29, 2010

Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez Spend Thanksgiving in Mexico

cameron diaz alex rodriguez thanksgiving kate hudson jennifer aniston chelsea handler mexico bikini

cameron diaz alex rodriguez thanksgiving kate hudson jennifer aniston chelsea handler mexico bikini
Alex Rodriguez and Cameron Diaz spent Thanksgiving in Mexico last week, pretty much frolicking around in bikinis (yes, A-Fraud wears a bikini) and showering each other the entire time but we learned one valuable thing - A-Roid has bigger tits than Cameron Diaz. I admit, I do like Cameron Diaz (and I'm probably in the minority) but only when she's dressed up, wearing lots of makeup and in romantic comedies. A month ago they apparently broke up but now seem to have gotten back together. After divorcing his wife in 2008 A-Rod dated Kate Hudson, then himself and now Cameron Diaz. What do Kate and Cameron have in common?? Hmmmmmm...

They are the latest celebrities to spend Thanksgiving south of the border as Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler spent it together in Cabo. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Thanksgiving was a US thing? I'm thankful that the Pilgrims and Indians had such a great feast but I'm not too thankful for that country to the south. Nor the one to the north for that matter.

I'm not sure why you would want to see more pictures of them in Mexico but if you do go here and here.

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